Use Your Motorcycle CENTERSTAND [Tips and Tricks]

Conspiracy theorists will tell you that the lack of today's bike centerstands is a conspiracy, let you take it to a dealer for service. In reality, it is to save costs, reduce weight, and increased ground clearance. If you do have one, here's how to use it.

First of all, standing on the left side of the bicycle, grasp the handle with your left hand on the left side. Straighten the front wheels, put on the right foot centerstand Tang, and press down until the stand touches the ground.

Gently shake the bike toward and away from you until you feel your feet touch the ground two centerstand. Use your right hand, hold a cross in the box under the seat. Some bicycles often have a special position of the handle, making it easier for lift trucks.

Move your body as close to the motorcycle as possible. Keep your back straight, your head. Do not lean a bike or push your ass away. Next, straighten your right leg (one on the Church), and lock your knees. While pulling up (not out) with your right arm. Cycling should immediately pop up.

If you still have questions, you can also be rolled up to the rear wheel of the bicycle to three-quarters inch (19 mm) piece of wood, or even a one inch (2.5 cm) block exercises. Lighter bike, motorcycle or even practice, to help you make research techniques.